archived functions/xmlToText.R

# This Function converts the xml file found at filepath to plain
# text. Returns a string of the text.
# This function converts the xml file found at \code{filepath} to 
# plain text and, optionally, stores it at \code{target}.
# @param filepath  A string that holds the path to the xml file
#                  to convert to text.
# @param target    A string that holds the path at which to store
#                  the converted text file.
# @return text     The plain text extracted from the xml file.
# @examples
# fp = "path/to/file/text.xml"
# text = xmlToText(fp)
# text = xmlToText(fp, target="/alternate/path/for/new/file/")
xmlToText = function(filepath,target=NULL) {
  parsedText = xmlTreeParse(filepath,useInternalNodes = TRUE)
  nodes = getNodeSet(parsedText,"/d:TEI//d:text//d:div", 
                     namespace = c(d = ""))
  text = sapply(nodes,addSpace)
  filename = paste(file_path_sans_ext(filepath),".txt",sep="")
  text = read.csv(filename)

addSpace = function(input) {
  return(paste(xmlValue(input), " ", sep=""))
michaelgavin/tei2r documentation built on May 22, 2019, 9:50 p.m.